Kada strah i stres prevladaju pojavi se bolest

Nijedna bolest ne dolazi bez odobrenja i regulacije spiritualne sfere. Sve bolesti mi možemo SAMI kontrolirati i eliminirati ih svojim spiritom, samo ako to uistinu u potpunosti i želimo, znamo »KAKO se to radi«, i ako to spiritualno zaslužujemo – tvrdi Marino Frost, lider projekta »Mission of Love«

Petak, 24 Srpanj 2015 12:41 Štefan Brajković

Sve što postoji u Univerzumu je energija. Ne postoji ništa što nije energija. Energije se razlikuju po svojim frekvencijama. Energije koje vibriraju na višim frekvencijama su energije svijesti, tako da su one suptilne prirode i pripadaju spiritualnoj sferi. One koje pak vibriraju na nižim frekvencijama su energije materije. Pošto su one jako zgusnute, nama se te energije doimaju kao čvrsta tijela. Od tih tijela se sastoji naša materijalna sfera. Isto tako, postoje i pozitivne i negativne vrste energija. Sve pozitivne energije nam prijaju, a ljubav je njen najpozitivniji oblik. Negativne energije nam ne prijaju, a postoje da bi na njima učili.

Strah i stres su negativni. A kada strah i stres prevladaju, prevlada i negativa. Tada se i bolest pojavi, kao manifestacija negativne energije na naše materijalno tijelo. Svaka bolest je regulirana u spiritualnoj sferi. Nijedna bolest ne dolazi bez odobrenja i regulacije spiritualne sfere. Sve bolesti mi možemo SAMI kontrolirati i eliminirati ih svojim spiritom, samo ako to uistinu u potpunosti i želimo, znamo »KAKO se to radi«, i ako to spiritulano zaslužujemo... Najvažnije je razumijeti da ti TVOJ vlastiti spirit i »daje« tu bolest, a istovremeno je i u kompletnoj komandi u vezi te bolesti... Najčešće dobivamo bolest za naše »Više Dobro«. Naravno da nitko na svjesnoj osnovi ne voli biti bolestan. No, sve se to događa s razlogom... A za sve postoji razlog. I za razlog postoji razlog. Čak i kad NE postoji razlog, i za TO postoji RAZLOG! Tako da i za svaku našu bolest postoji razlog. Nevolja je naš najbolji učitelj. Tu na zemlji smo inkarnirani u materijalnoj sferi da bi na nevoljama učili i spiritualno napredovali. Bolest je jedan od naših učitelja. To je RAZLOG što smo izloženi bolestima. Naučiti se nositi s bolešću ili, još bolje, prevladati je i pobijediti, ovisi o našem spiritu. Odgovor na svako pitanje i rješenje svakog problema uvijek se nalazi u našem spiritu i njegovim zaslugama. Za nas tu sve počinje i završava, pa tako i otklanjanje bolesti. U našem spiritu nalazi se lijek za svaku bolest. Samim tim, snagom svog duha svatko od nas može se i sam izliječiti od bilo koje bolesti!

Marino Frost

Lider projekta »Mission of Love«


Everything that exists in the universe is energy. There is nothing that is not energy. Energies differ in their frequencies. The energies that vibrate at higher frequencies are energies of consciousness. They are subtle in nature and belong to the spiritual sphere. Those that vibrate at lower frequencies are the energies of the material realm. Since those energies seem dense, they appear as solid bodies to us. That is what our material realm is made of. Furthermore, there are both positive and negative types of energy. We like positive energy, and love is its most positive form. We don't like negative energy, but it exists in order for us to obtain a lesson and learn from it.

Fear and stress are negative. When fear and stress prevail, negativity prevails as well. At that point disease appears as a manifestation of negative energy in our material body. Each disease is regulated in the spiritual sphere. Diseases do not come without the approval and regulation of the spiritual sphere.

We can control all diseases and eliminate them with our own spirit, but only if we truly and fully want to do so, if we know how to do it, and if we spiritually deserve it. The most important thing is to understand that your own spirit is the one that »gives you« the disease in the first place, while at the same time, your spirit is in complete command of the disease. Mostly, we become ill for our »higher good«. Of course, consciously no one wants to be sick. But all this is happening for a reason. There is a reason for everything. There is a reason for a reason. There is even a reason for no reason. Thus, there is a reason for every disease. Trouble is our best teacher. We are incarnated in the material sphere here on Earth to learn from tribulations in order to make spiritual progress. Disease is one of our teachers. That is the reason we are exposed to diseases. Learning to handle disease, or even better, overcoming and defeating it, depends on our spirit. The answer to each question and the solution to any problem is always in our spirit and its merits. For us, everything begins and ends with our spirit, including the rejection of the disease. In our spirit there is a cure for any disease. Therefore, we are able to heal ourselves of any disease with just the power of our spirit.

Marino Frost

Leader of the project »Mission of Love«

Ažurirano ( Subota, 25 Srpanj 2015 06:46 )